Holy Cow,
You made it!
Welcome to my fun little but quite
exquisite website, where I can show
off some cool things about me!

Welcome to my fun little but quite
exquisite website, where I can show
off some cool things about me!
My name is Tristan (or Sky if you are from online) and I am from Massachusetts. I have always loved playing videogames since the first time I played Minecraft back in 2014. It took me a long time to figure out what I want to do with my life, but I've finally decided I wanted to go into the deep field of computer science ever since I took my first computer science class in my sophomore year. I've always found the way that computers work interesting, and I love that I can make those same programs from my computer at home.
This website is a second version of my first website which I didn't entirely understand how programming worked. Here I am updating and creating a new website to show off my skills and projects I have completed in the past years. I love creating programs that users and players can use during their everyday life to make things easier and more efficient without making them do more work.